Friday, September 27, 2013

Hi everyone. Today (27 of September) was my last day of school and I am so so sad. I would just like so say thank you to everyone who gave me a card. There were also about 5 people who got a whiteboard and wrote my name all over it and wrote really nice comments about me. Thank you everyone who worked so hard on it because it made my day. Unfortunately I could not get a photo of it. I miss everyone already even though I saw you guys not long ago and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Welcome to my blog everyone. My name is Tara and very soon I am going to go around Australia for 7 months. I am going with my mum, dad and sister. Her name is Hayley and you can check out her blog at . Please check my blog daily to see what I get up to.