Sunday, March 30, 2014

Jurien Bay- Coral Bay

In Jurien Bay(2hrs from Perth) Hayley and I jumped off the jetty. Hayley went home screaming because
she was covered in jellyfish stings.

In Kallbari, we went on a adventurous walk to a river called the Murchison river. We had to climbed through rocks
and up ladders.
This was at the end of the walk. It is called 'natures window'. It was over looking the Murchison River.

In Coral Bay, we went snorkelling through reef,coral and have seen a baby stingray, a shovel nose shark and a wobbegong shark all in shallow water. Coral Bay is known for it's beautiful snorkelling water.
This was on a paddleboat. It was very relaxing and a lot of fun. (But it was still hard work.)

In Coral Bay, we went on a quad bike tour through sand dunes. 

We had 2 snorkelling spots and they were both protected. This is where we saw the wobbegong. It was about 6 feet long. WOW!!! We also swam with turtles.

We took the quad bikes on top of a huge sand dune to watch the sunset.

This hill does not look so steep but it is much, much, much steeper than it looked. It was so, extremely scary.

Monday, March 24, 2014


This is a hedgehend maze. It was fun,easy and I did not get caught in any dead end.
This is my sister on really high, bouncy trampolines. They are perfect for back/forwardflips.
Also there, that had a 6D movie theatre which was a scary as the chairs rocked. I did scream.

At my Grandad's house in Two Rocks (1 hr from Perth), he has 4wheelers, 3wheelers, stock whips , a cubby house and a flying fox. (Well, he has many more fun things but they are the most exciting.) As you can see, I am on a flying fox. In the background is the cubby with a dog ramp for his dog to go up on.
This is me on a high ropes course which was really scary, a little bit hard and so, so, so, much fun. I rode a really fast, high flying fox back to the ground.
This is me iceskating. I have been iceskating once before and loved it. The video above is of my sister ice skating. She is really cute and good at it. Watch out for me in the background because I stack it and it is very funny. Have a good laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not far from Perth is Hillary's and they have a adventure park called the great escape.

These are my cousins who we did a lot with. They came over for a weekend.

P.S. Sorry I did not post anything for a long time. I could not find time for it.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


We have been hanging out with family in Perth
and have not done much. We will be going ice skating and going to maze soon though so
keep reading.

My Aunty held a party and I helped my nanna make fairy floss for all the kids.

Happy reading!!!