Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Fossil Museum

 What I am standing in front of are called ammonites.  Ammonites were creatures a little bit like cuttlefish. They got up to 1 metre diameter and were swimming around in Australia 100 million years ago.

This is called the Kronosaurus. (My sister and I are sitting in it's mouth) The Kronosaurus was named after the leader of the Greek Titans, Cronus. This also swam around in oz.

The Plyosaurus was a marine reptile and swam around in oz.

                                That is our caravan in front of the windmill with our car in Prairie.


  1. Love the photo of the caravan and windmill Tara, so very Australian!

  2. Hi Claire. I can't wait to go down and visit you. see you there.
