Tuesday, November 12, 2013

My trip so far

                                                         Australia Zoo
                                  At the zoo they have so many animals especially this cute tiger cubs.

At the zoo they have huge tortoises.

I got to go to where Bindi's bootcamp was filmed (it was closed off because the series had finished) and did some activities that were in the tv show.
At the zoo there were,
African animals
Asian Animals
Snakes and more.

                                         Strawberry Picking
After the zoo we went strawberry picking. mmmmmmmmm!!! Yummmm!!!

Dolphin Feeding

In Tin Can Bay I got to hand feed a dolphin. 

                               Dreamworld, Gold Coast
Me acting like I have been in Jail.


  1. Thanks. Did you go to Melbourne? How is school? Can you ask mr lees if the class can check my blog.

    1. Hi Tara!! It's Qiqo! So where r u now? R u still in Gold Coast? I've been missing u 4 all the week.
      Did u go 2 Melbourne? Well, I'll c u next year when I pick u my sister.
      Ur Cncerly,
      Qiqo Rafli=)

  2. No i have no been to melborne yet. how was the school camp? now i am in NSW. soon sydney.

  3. Hey Tara when are you coming back
    I really miss you and when you come back hopefully I get to see you!!!

  4. Hi Tara, just a test because I don't seem to be able to see my previous comment. xx Aunty Shez
