Thursday, October 24, 2013

Hamilton Island pictures

This is me on a paddle board. I have good balance so it is quite easy to do.

This is me on a sea kayak. (It is a bit like a canoe.)
When I was in Hamilton I got to go and pat a koala and OMG, THEY ARE SO CUTE!!!  I saw a baby on a mothers back.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

My trip so far

Lately we have come on a ferry to Hamilton Island, QLD. It is really pretty in Hammo and really cute.

I have been to the beach and been sea kayaking. Sea kayaking is a bit like canoeing. I have also been paddleboarding. Dad took me out on a mini catmaran (it is like a yacht). I will post some photos soon.

Big Things So Far

Around Oz there are lots of different landmarks like some off the landmarks below.
Here are some landmarks I have come across so far.
Golden Gumboot.
This represent's how much rainfall Tully gets in a year.

Big Mango
The big mango is located in Bowen, QLD.

Big Cassowary
The big Cassowary is located in Mission near Tully. Cassowary's can be quite dangerous to humans because of
their helmet on their head. It is really hard. I have actully seen a couple but they have been in zoos.
You don't normally see them around because they can only be found in QLD and are endangered.

Big Kronosaurus
This is located in Richmond at the dinosaur fossil museum.
This beastly creature was swimming around in Oz 100 million years ago.

Big Captain Cook
This is located in Cairns.
Captain James Cook settled Oz and was first to land here.

Big CrabThis is located in Cardwell.
This is in the town that got hit hard by cycolone Yasi a couple years ago.

                                                                                Big Snake
                                                              The big snake is located in Ayr.
                                                                  Big Watemelon
                                                         This is located in Inkerman.
                                                     There is also a giant pumpkin next to it.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Great Barrier Reef

Guess what we did? We went to the Great barrier reef and swam with lots of fish that you don't see when you fishing and we also explored the reef.
This is my sister and I ready to swim. (By the way, there are no nets around)
This big fish is named Wally. Wally is a Maori/Humphead Wrasse and can get up to 2 metres
because he is a male but if he was a female he would only get up to 1 metre. 
Did you know that Wally used to be a Wallirina? (only joking!!!) That was never Wally's name but
when his species are babies they are all female. If the female needs a male than a female will
turn itself into male. It takes about 6 weeks for the change.

There were lots of different types of corals and it was interesting
to see what fish like to eat and spend their time around. I was lots of fun swimming around the corals.

That is me in the water. You might be wondering, I did touch Wally. He was a slimy, gigantic, obedient fish just like a dog. It was an amazing experience for me to see all the living things and I highly highly recommend going to the reef if you have the chance. It is an experience that you will never forget!!!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Queensland photo's

One of Queensland's animals is on the endangered species list and that is the cassowary. Cassowary's
can be dangerous and if you come across one you should back off because you could be in it's territory. Cassowary can be quite dangerous because of their helmet (the bump on their head) is hard and it could really hurt you.

I am standing in front of a cane train. This train carries sugar cane. This is the process of sugar.
1. Sugar is a plant and is harvest.
2. The cane train comes to collect the cane and the cane goes to the mill (like a factory).
3. The cane gets stripped and juiced.
4. The juice gets boiled and thickened until it crystallizes.
5. The crystals get spun into raw sugar.
6. Then that sugar goes to your plate  

This is called the Giant Golden Gumboot. This is in Tully, Queensland and it represents the amount of rainfall Tully gets in a year. Tully is the wettest place in oz.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Hinchinbrook Island

Recognise this?
I went to Nim's Island.
Well not exactly, that was were 'Return Nim's Island' was filmed.
I don't know where but on that island.
It is called Hinchinbrook.

The Fossil Museum

 What I am standing in front of are called ammonites.  Ammonites were creatures a little bit like cuttlefish. They got up to 1 metre diameter and were swimming around in Australia 100 million years ago.

This is called the Kronosaurus. (My sister and I are sitting in it's mouth) The Kronosaurus was named after the leader of the Greek Titans, Cronus. This also swam around in oz.

The Plyosaurus was a marine reptile and swam around in oz.

                                That is our caravan in front of the windmill with our car in Prairie.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Hi everyone.
On the 6th of October we crossed the NT/QLD border and now I am in Queensland having fun. On the 7th of October we arrived in Richmond. Richmond is in Queensland. We went to a fossil museum and saw dinosaur fossils that were alive 100 million years ago. It is kind of hard to believe that some monstrous creatures were actually swimming and stomping around Australia.
They swam in the water that joins to the Gulf of Carpentaria in the north and the Great Australian byte in the south. I will post some pictures of some fossils soon.