Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Great Barrier Reef

Guess what we did? We went to the Great barrier reef and swam with lots of fish that you don't see when you fishing and we also explored the reef.
This is my sister and I ready to swim. (By the way, there are no nets around)
This big fish is named Wally. Wally is a Maori/Humphead Wrasse and can get up to 2 metres
because he is a male but if he was a female he would only get up to 1 metre. 
Did you know that Wally used to be a Wallirina? (only joking!!!) That was never Wally's name but
when his species are babies they are all female. If the female needs a male than a female will
turn itself into male. It takes about 6 weeks for the change.

There were lots of different types of corals and it was interesting
to see what fish like to eat and spend their time around. I was lots of fun swimming around the corals.

That is me in the water. You might be wondering, I did touch Wally. He was a slimy, gigantic, obedient fish just like a dog. It was an amazing experience for me to see all the living things and I highly highly recommend going to the reef if you have the chance. It is an experience that you will never forget!!!

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