Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Big Things So Far

Around Oz there are lots of different landmarks like some off the landmarks below.
Here are some landmarks I have come across so far.
Golden Gumboot.
This represent's how much rainfall Tully gets in a year.

Big Mango
The big mango is located in Bowen, QLD.

Big Cassowary
The big Cassowary is located in Mission near Tully. Cassowary's can be quite dangerous to humans because of
their helmet on their head. It is really hard. I have actully seen a couple but they have been in zoos.
You don't normally see them around because they can only be found in QLD and are endangered.

Big Kronosaurus
This is located in Richmond at the dinosaur fossil museum.
This beastly creature was swimming around in Oz 100 million years ago.

Big Captain Cook
This is located in Cairns.
Captain James Cook settled Oz and was first to land here.

Big CrabThis is located in Cardwell.
This is in the town that got hit hard by cycolone Yasi a couple years ago.

                                                                                Big Snake
                                                              The big snake is located in Ayr.
                                                                  Big Watemelon
                                                         This is located in Inkerman.
                                                     There is also a giant pumpkin next to it.


  1. WOW how much big things have you seen.
    I bet you are having a great time.
    We miss you so much
    From Grace and Tahlia

  2. Oh no I wrote 'much' instead of 'many'. Because ms brown is always telling us many instead of much .
    from Grace and Tahlia

  3. Hey guys hayley's blog is www.hayleyoztrip.blogspot.com but i don't mind if you check mine.

  4. I LOVE THE BIG THINGS!! The big banana and pineapple to come as you make your way further south. Up in the cairns tablelands they have the big peanut, but as its relative to the size of an actual peanut, it's not that big at all! Xx
