Monday, January 27, 2014


In Birdwood just out of Adelaide, the is a motor museum called the
'National Motor Museum'.
They had lots of different types of cars from lots of different generations.
was really great to see and learn about these cars as I have not really known much before.

My cousin, sister and me in a display car.

In St Kilda, the is an adventure park and it is my favourite playground for Australia so far. This slide I am
on is the main attraction to the park.

These slides are connected to a wooden castle (playground castle)
and are much, much steeper than they look.

We got to go Ice skating in for the first time and it was very cold, slippery and hard work.
It is lots of fun when you get the hang of it and you don't want to leave.
For Australia Day, we went to a Timomatic concert  to watch
him and Sarah De Bono sing. Sarah has an amazing voice and Timomatic is
an amazing dancer.  

In Gumeracha we climbed the tallest rocking horse in the world.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Kangaroo Island

Hi, Kangaroo Island is located in SA and is the 3rd biggest island in oz.
It is also 4000 km from Antartica.

In K.I
we were lucky to get a dolphin safari tour and got to see some bottle nose dolphins and
also got to see some amazingly crystal clear water.
This is one of the dolphins that kept following our boat and leaping out of the water.
K.I is full of wildlife such as their seal and sealions. There are also fairy penguins which we were lucky to see because
the penguin population is declining. We got taken on a guided tour to get close up to the sea lions.

A special tourist attraction in K.I is the remarkable rocks and trust me, they are truly remarkable.
 They are dryer molten lava(magma) that has been eroded down. They create some fun and funny shape which are lots of fun climbing in and if you use you imagination, there are some awesome things.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Fun in Victoria

This is the street which leads to my dad's old farm.

This is my dad's farm which is now falling apart.

My first 4 wheeler drive.

This is me having my first motorbike ride.

We were lucky to go and see sheep getting shorn.

Halls gap zoo had animals from all around the world. In this pic, this greedy deer came
running up to me burping because it knew i had food. They are still beautiful animals.
The zoo had a Chamelion and a albino peacock. Miacats, white boomers, ostriches and much more.